Luke Dirks - Testing Lead, Assignment Tracker

Hi my name is Luke Dirks, and I am senior in Computer Engineering from Ames, Iowa. I like playing volleyball and tennis.
David Imhoff - Minutekeeper and Client Interaction

I am from Ames, Iowa and I like writing code, playing sports, and spending time with my cat
Isaac Sachse - Lead Researcher
My name is Isaac Sachse and I am studying Electrical Engineering with a Power Focus. I am from Woodbury, Minnesota and I enjoy skiing, rock climbing, and playing soccer.
Nathan Kelly - Motor/Power Control

My name is Nathan Kelly I am studying Electrical Engineering with a focus on power & controls. I’m from Villa Park, Illinois and I enjoy skateboarding and whitewater kayaking.
Dawson Munday - Floating Help

I am a Computer Engineer major with a minor in Cyber Security Engineering from Muscatine, Iowa and I enjoy playing basketball and video games. After college I plan to work for Caterpillar in a software engineer position.
Nathan Bellows - High-Level Design

I am from Cedar Rapids IA, majoring in Computer Engineering and Music. I enjoy writing code, playing viola and piano, and lifting weights.
Jeet Nair - Component Design

My name is Jeet Nair and I am studying Software Engineering. I’m from Vernon Hills, Illinois and enjoy designing and playing games, programming overall, and drawing.